Devlog 1 - Project restart

almost a year ago I published the tech demo for this "game". Goal of this tech demo was to try to make a shooter like game with my own engine after that I wanted to expand that demo into a real space game inspired by 0x10c. But instead of making a game I was trying too hard to make a game engine. I wanted to implement everything that a modern game engine should have, stuff like ECS and multi-platform capabilities.. etc.
I continued doing this till may of 2020. After that I stopped working on this project and the engine completely. I lost motivation after working on this almost every evening from august 2017 on. So I just left it as is till around october of 2020. Trying to get back into it and finding inspiration, I started to have some talks with colleagues and friends about ideas and on how to continue. I tried switching to unity and godot to speed up development speeds, but I wasn't enjoying working with those tools.
After that I decided to go back to my own tools and in december 2020 I started to remove everything that was added in a hurry and that was adding too much technical debt from my tools. I started moving my focus onto developing the game instead of making a game engine and simplifying every step as much as possible.
Right now I'm working on a smaller project to try out a new method of developing my games and to finally finish something smaller. This shouldn't take that much longer. After that I want to move back to this project and restart it. I also want to scale down the scope of the game and start with something really small and simple for the beginning and then scale that up step by step. I will reveal more informations on what I try to archieve first after I'm done with the smaller project.
That being said, even though this project is inspired by 0x10c, it will probably take a whole different route from now on gameplay wise. The part that stays unchanged is the art style, which is that low poly 8 bit look. But also since I'm taking a more iterative way of developing maybe more features are coming to this game that were maybe part of 0x10c. I can't tell for sure. Also it's hard to say what game 0x10c could've been since it was also pretty early in development. There are many ideas, but it's uncertain if they could've worked together or not.
I still want to make a space game and I will work on this till it's something playable. It might take some time since I can't work on this fulltime.
Thanks for reading! And well.. let's get back to work
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